
McKinlay - Stephens

William Nephi Stephens and Susan Lorena Ellsworth
Taken on wedding day Susan was 19 and William 21.

Taken 1882
Susan Lorena and William Nephi Stephens
Will, Mary Ellen Stephens (Russell), Clarence L. , Fayette, Louiette Stephens (McKinlay)

The same family a few years later and with two more girls.
Louiette must be the girl in the front middle.

Louiette Stephens and her family
From left to right:
Top - Noble, Rayette, Clarence, Mary, Will, Arnold
Bottom - Leah, Howard and Louiette

Alexander Nephi Stephens

Mary Ann Robinson
Married to Oliver Hunt Dudley

Elizabeth Briggs Stephens
Wife of John Stephens - Nauvoo

William Nephi Stephens Sr.

Alexander Nephi Stephens

Alexander Nephi Stephens

John Stephens family
Elizabeth Briggs
Living in Ogden

Robert and Isabella
Children from Left to right
?Marley, George, Janette, ?Jenny (baby), Agnes, Ellen, James, ?Isabelle

Amina Ann Raymond

Taken Aug. 18, 1914
At Teton City, Idaho

George Hamilton McKinlay

Mary Stephens Russell

McKinlay Reunion 1951

McKinlay Reunion 1914

George H. McKinlay
Found in the attic of the Provo 1-7 Chapel

John Stephens

Mary Ann Dudley, Susan Lorena, Mary Stephens Raymond

Lower left is Archibald McKinlay

Three sisters and their mother
Sue Stephens, Hannah Paole(?, Mary Ann Ellsworth, Mary Ray Moseb (?)

Louiette's sister Mary

Louiette's Father - William Nephi Stephens

William Nephi Stephens

William Nephi Stephens

William Nephi Stephens

Louiette's Mother Lorinna

Probably the home of William Nephi Stephens
Mark Stephens, whose grandfather was Clarence Lee Stephens (brother to grandmother Louiette McKinlay) reports that these are the names of the people in the picture (likely).
This house may have been the "hatchery" and Warm Springs, Idaho.

William Nephi Stephens Jr. b.1884, d.1967
Clarence Lee Stephens b.1887, d. 1978
Lydia Elizabeth (Andersen) Stephens b. 1886, d. 1975
Emerette Theresa Andersen b. 1891, d. 1931
Fayette Ellsworth Stephens b. 1890, d. 1981

The banner on the right puts the date sometime in 1908?

William Nephi Stephens

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